Worship Times

Worship Times:


Bible Study for all ages Nursery to Senior Adult 9:45 AM.

Worship Service (Nursery & Children’s Church provided) 11:00 AM. If you are interested in attending, but do not feel comfortable in the building, we are broadcasting the service live to the parking lots on radio channel 89.3.  Services are posted on Facebook and YouTube. They are also available via this website.

Evening Worship 6:30 PM. This meets in the Sanctuary.


Adult Bible Study 6:30 PM in the down stairs in the fellowship hall.
Youth Bible Study: (grades 7-12)  6:30 PM in the Youth Room downstairs.                                                                                              Children’s Mission Studies: (grades 1-6) RA’s & GA’s, Preschool Mission Friends (ages 4-5) and Nursery 6:30 PM.

Please contact the van ministry at 423-743-7551 by 4:00 PM Monday – Friday if you need a ride to church.